

在本教程中,我们将研究 Manticore Search 中复制的基础知识。


Manticore 搜索守护进程可以将写操作在实时或穿透索引中复制到集群中的其他节点。
你可以在这里 试用 或阅读下面的内容。


  • 您的构建支持复制(Manticore 官方构建默认开启 -
  • 在配置的 searchd 部分设置 data_dir 选项。这是存储传入索引的地方
  • 为复制协议设置至少两个端口范围的 listen 选项
  • 为 SphinxAPI 协议设置 listen 选项
  • 为 SphinxQL 协议设置 listen 选项(执行集群操作语句)
  • 可选地设置 server_id 选项。这些值在集群中必须是唯一的。当未设置时,server_ids 将自动生成

您可以查看用于此演示的 Manticore 配置示例:

cat /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx1.conf

index pq {
  type = percolate
  path = /var/lib/manticore/data/pq1

index testrt
  type = rt
  path = /var/lib/manticore/data/testrt1
  rt_field = title
  rt_field = content
  rt_attr_uint = gid

searchd {
  listen =
  listen =
  listen =
  data_dir = /var/run/manticore/replication/1
  log = /var/run/manticore/log/searchd1.log
  pid_file = /var/run/manticore/
  binlog_path = /var/run/manticore/data/pq1
  server_id = 1

我们在这里运行了两个 Manticore 搜索守护进程实例,使用不同的端口(9306 和 9307)来代表我们未来集群中的两个节点。另一个的配置是:

cat /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx2.conf

  searchd {
  listen =
  listen =
  listen =
  data_dir = /var/run/manticore/replication/2
  log = /var/run/manticore/log/searchd2.log
  pid_file = /var/run/manticore/
  binlog_path = /var/run/manticore/data/pq2
  server_id = 2


mysql -P 9306 -h0

root@replication-5b59c59f5c-mkqfc:/# mysql -P 9306 -h0
欢迎使用 MariaDB 监视器。命令以 ;  \g 结尾。
您的 MySQL 连接 ID  1
服务器版本:3.1.0 445e806e@190716 发布

版权所有 (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab 和其他人。

输入 'help;'  '\h' 获取帮助。输入 '\c' 清除当前输入语句。




MySQL [(none)]> CREATE CLUSTER posts;
查询 OK, 0 行受影响 (0.90 )

为确保集群成功创建,使用 SHOW STATUS 命令:

SHOW STATUS LIKE 'cluster%';

MySQL [(none)]> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'cluster%';
| Counter                                  | Value                                        |
| cluster_name                             | posts                                        |
| cluster_posts_state_uuid                 | 95c2ffc3-c296-11e9-b475-9fad1c2e6dab         |
| cluster_posts_conf_id                    | 1                                            |
| cluster_posts_status                     | primary                                      |
| cluster_posts_size                       | 1                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_index                | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_node_state                 | synced                                       |
| cluster_posts_nodes_set                  |                                              |
| cluster_posts_nodes_view                 |,    |
| cluster_posts_indexes_count              | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_indexes                    |                                              |
| cluster_posts_local_state_uuid           | 95c2ffc3-c296-11e9-b475-9fad1c2e6dab         |
| cluster_posts_protocol_version           | 9                                            |
| cluster_posts_last_applied               | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_last_committed             | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_replicated                 | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_replicated_bytes           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_repl_keys                  | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_repl_keys_bytes            | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_repl_data_bytes            | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_repl_other_bytes           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_received                   | 2                                            |
| cluster_posts_received_bytes             | 175                                          |
| cluster_posts_local_commits              | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_cert_failures        | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_replays              | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_send_queue           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_send_queue_max       | 2                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_send_queue_min       | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_send_queue_avg       | 0.500000                                     |
| cluster_posts_local_recv_queue           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_recv_queue_max       | 2                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_recv_queue_min       | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_recv_queue_avg       | 0.500000                                     |
| cluster_posts_local_cached_downto        | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_paused_ns     | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_paused        | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_sent          | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_recv          | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_interval      | [ 100, 100 ]                                 |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_interval_low  | 100                                          |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_interval_high | 100                                          |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_status        | OFF                                          |
| cluster_posts_cert_deps_distance         | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_apply_oooe                 | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_apply_oool                 | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_apply_window               | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_commit_oooe                | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_commit_oool                | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_commit_window              | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_local_state                | 4                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_state_comment        | 已同步                                       |
| cluster_posts_cert_index_size            | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_cert_bucket_count          | 2                                            |
| cluster_posts_gcache_pool_size           | 1320                                         |
| cluster_posts_causal_reads               | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_cert_interval              | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_open_transactions          | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_open_connections           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_ist_receive_status         |                                              |
| cluster_posts_ist_receive_seqno_start    | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_ist_receive_seqno_current  | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_ist_receive_seqno_end      | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_incoming_addresses         |,    |
| cluster_posts_cluster_weight             | 1                                            |
| cluster_posts_desync_count               | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_evs_delayed                |                                              |
| cluster_posts_evs_evict_list             |                                              |
| cluster_posts_evs_repl_latency           | 1.075e-06/7.957e-06/2.2911e-05/8.12112e-06/5 |
| cluster_posts_evs_state                  | 运行中                                      |
| cluster_posts_gcomm_uuid                 | 95b52441-c296-11e9-abae-52c260760909         |
71 rows in set (0.00 sec)


让我们向我们的 testrt 索引插入一些数据。

INSERT INTO testrt VALUES(1,'List of HP business laptops','Elitebook Probook',10);

MySQL [(none)]> INSERT INTO testrt VALUES(1,'List of HP business laptops
','Elitebook Probook',10);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.10 sec)

SELECT * FROM testrt;

MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * FROM testrt;
| id   | gid  |
|    1 |   10 |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)

请注意,所有写入语句,如 INSERTREPLACEDELETETRUNCATE,应该使用 cluster_name:index_name 格式,而不是普通的 index_name,以确保更改传播到集群中的所有副本。否则会触发错误(见下文)。但在索引尚未在集群中时,您可以不加前缀地插入:

INSERT INTO testrt VALUES(2,'List of Dell business laptops','Latitude Precision Vostro',10);

MySQL [(none)]> INSERT INTO testrt VALUES(2,'List of Dell business laptops','Latitude Precision Vostro',10);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


INSERT INTO posts:testrt VALUES(3,'List of Dell business laptops','Latitude Precision Vostro',10);

MySQL [(none)]> INSERT INTO posts:testrt VALUES(3,'List of Dell business laptops','Latitude Precision Vostro',10);
ERROR 1064 (42000): index 'testrt' is not in any cluster, use just 'testrt'


ALTER CLUSTER posts ADD testrt;

MySQL [(none)]> ALTER CLUSTER posts ADD testrt;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.10 sec)

我们的 testrt 索引现在在集群中,可以通过查看 cluster_posts_indexes 状态字段来检查(posts 是我们的集群名称)。

SHOW STATUS LIKE 'cluster_posts_indexes';

MySQL [(none)]> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'cluster_posts_indexes';
| Counter               | Value  |
| cluster_posts_indexes | testrt |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

让我们向我们的 testrt 索引中插入更多数据:

INSERT INTO testrt VALUES(3,'List of Dell business laptops','Latitude Precision Vostro',10);

MySQL [(none)]> INSERT INTO testrt VALUES(3,'List of Dell business lapto ps','Latitude Precision Vostro',10);
ERROR 1064 (42000): index 'testrt' is a part of cluster 'posts', use 'posts:testrt'


INSERT INTO posts:testrt VALUES(3,'List of Dell business laptops','Latitude Precision Vostro',10);

MySQL [(none)]> INSERT INTO posts:testrt VALUES(3,'List of Dell business  laptops','Latitude Precision Vostro',10);
ERROR 1064 (42000): index 'testrt' is not in any cluster, use just 'testrt'


SELECT * FROM testrt;

MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * FROM testrt;
| id   | gid  |
|    1 |   10 |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)




MySQL [(none)]> exit;

mysql -P 9307 -h0

root@replication-5b59c59f5c-mkqfc:/# mysql -P 9307 -h0
欢迎使用 MariaDB 监视器。 命令以 ;  \g 结束。
您的 MySQL 连接 ID  1
服务器版本: 3.1.0 445e806e@190716 发布

版权 (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab 和其他。

输入 'help;'  '\h' 获取帮助。 输入 '\c' 清除当前输入语句。

我们知道这个节点还不在我们的集群中,因此它在我们之前在另一个节点添加的 testrt 索引中不包含任何数据。甚至没有索引 testrt

SELECT * FROM testrt;

MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * FROM testrt;
| id   | gid  |
|    1 |   10 |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)

让我们加入集群。为此,请使用 JOIN CLUSTER 语句。您需要指定集群名称(因为可能有多个集群)和您要连接的节点:

JOIN CLUSTER posts at '';

MySQL [(none)]> JOIN CLUSTER posts at '';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.90 sec)


SELECT * FROM testrt;

MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * FROM testrt;
| id   | gid  |
|    1 |   10 |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)


INSERT INTO posts:testrt VALUES(4,'List of Dell gaming laptops','Inspirion Alienware',20);

MySQL [(none)]> INSERT INTO posts:testrt VALUES(4,'List of Dell gaming l aptops','Inspirion Alienware',20);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.20 sec)

SELECT * FROM testrt;

MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * FROM testrt;
| id   | gid  |
|    1 |   10 |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)



MySQL [(none)]> exit;

mysql -P 9306 -h0

root@replication-5b59c59f5c-mkqfc:/# mysql -P 9306 -h0
欢迎使用 MariaDB 监视器。 命令以 ;  \g 结束。
您的 MySQL 连接 ID  1
服务器版本: 3.1.0 445e806e@190716 发布

版权 (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab 和其他。

输入 'help;'  '\h' 获取帮助。 输入 '\c' 清除当前输入语句。

SELECT * FROM testrt;

MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * FROM testrt;
| id   | gid  |
|    1 |   10 |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)




ALTER CLUSTER posts DROP testrt;

MySQL [(none)]> ALTER CLUSTER posts DROP testrt;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

SHOW STATUS LIKE 'cluster_posts_indexes';

MySQL [(none)]> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'cluster_posts_indexes';
| Counter               | Value  |
| cluster_posts_indexes | testrt |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


SELECT * from testrt;

MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * from testrt;
| id   | gid  |
|    1 |   10 |
|    2 |   10 |
|    3 |   10 |
|    4 |   20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

testrt 索引已成为一个仅本地的非复制索引。让我们确保:

INSERT INTO testrt VALUES(5,'Lenovo laptops list','Yoga IdeaPad',30);

MySQL [(none)]> INSERT INTO testrt VALUES(5,'Lenovo laptops list','Yoga  IdeaPad',30);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

没有关于缺少 ‘posts:’ 的警告,因此 ’testrt’ 不再在集群中。

SELECT * from testrt;

MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * from testrt;
| id   | gid  |
|    1 |   10 |
|    2 |   10 |
|    3 |   10 |
|    4 |   20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)



MySQL [(none)]> exit;

mysql -P 9307 -h0

root@replication-5b59c59f5c-mkqfc:/# mysql -P 9307 -h0
欢迎使用 MariaDB 监视器。 命令以 ;  \g 结束。
您的 MySQL 连接 ID  1
服务器版本: 3.1.0 445e806e@190716 发布

版权 (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab 和其他。

输入 'help;'  '\h' 获取帮助。 输入 '\c' 清除当前输入语句。

SELECT * from testrt;

MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * from testrt;
| id   | gid  |
|    1 |   10 |
|    2 |   10 |
|    3 |   10 |
|    4 |   20 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


要完全删除集群,请使用 DELETE CLUSTER 语句:


MySQL [(none)]> DELETE CLUSTER posts;
查询OK, 影响的行数: 0 (6.20 )

SHOW STATUS LIKE 'cluster%';

MySQL [(none)]> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'cluster%';
| 计数器                                   |                                            |
| cluster_name                             | posts                                        |
| cluster_posts_state_uuid                 | 95c2ffc3-c296-11e9-b475-9fad1c2e6dab         |
| cluster_posts_conf_id                    | 1                                            |
| cluster_posts_status                     | primary                                      |
| cluster_posts_size                       | 1                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_index                | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_node_state                 | synced                                       |
| cluster_posts_nodes_set                  |                                              |
| cluster_posts_nodes_view                 |,    |
| cluster_posts_indexes_count              | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_indexes                    |                                              |
| cluster_posts_local_state_uuid           | 95c2ffc3-c296-11e9-b475-9fad1c2e6dab         |
| cluster_posts_protocol_version           | 9                                            |
| cluster_posts_last_applied               | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_last_committed             | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_replicated                 | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_replicated_bytes           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_repl_keys                  | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_repl_keys_bytes            | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_repl_data_bytes            | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_repl_other_bytes           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_received                   | 2                                            |
| cluster_posts_received_bytes             | 175                                          |
| cluster_posts_local_commits              | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_cert_failures        | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_replays              | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_send_queue           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_send_queue_max       | 2                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_send_queue_min       | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_send_queue_avg       | 0.500000                                     |
| cluster_posts_local_recv_queue           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_recv_queue_max       | 2                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_recv_queue_min       | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_recv_queue_avg       | 0.500000                                     |
| cluster_posts_local_cached_downto        | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_paused_ns     | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_paused        | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_sent          | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_recv          | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_interval      | [ 100, 100 ]                                 |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_interval_low  | 100                                          |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_interval_high | 100                                          |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_status        | OFF                                          |
| cluster_posts_cert_deps_distance         | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_apply_oooe                 | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_apply_oool                 | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_apply_window               | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_commit_oooe                | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_commit_oool                | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_commit_window              | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_local_state                | 4                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_state_comment        | Synced                                       |
| cluster_posts_cert_index_size            | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_cert_bucket_count          | 2                                            |
| cluster_posts_gcache_pool_size           | 1320                                         |
| cluster_posts_causal_reads               | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_cert_interval              | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_open_transactions          | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_open_connections           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_ist_receive_status         |                                              |
| cluster_posts_ist_receive_seqno_start    | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_ist_receive_seqno_current  | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_ist_receive_seqno_end      | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_incoming_addresses         |,    |
| cluster_posts_cluster_weight             | 1                                            |
| cluster_posts_desync_count               | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_evs_delayed                |                                              |
| cluster_posts_evs_evict_list             |                                              |
| cluster_posts_evs_repl_latency           | 1.075e-06/7.957e-06/2.2911e-05/8.12112e-06/5 |
| cluster_posts_evs_state                  | OPERATIONAL                                  |
| cluster_posts_gcomm_uuid                 | 95b52441-c296-11e9-abae-52c260760909         |
71 rows in set (0.00 sec)


SELECT * FROM testrt;

MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * FROM testrt;
| id   | gid  |
|    1 |   10 |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)



MySQL [(none)]> exit;

mysql -P 9306 -h0

root@replication-5b59c59f5c-mkqfc:/# mysql -P 9306 -h0
欢迎使用 MariaDB 监视器。命令以 ;  \g 结束。
您的 MySQL 连接 ID  1
服务器版本:3.1.0 445e806e@190716 发布

版权 (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab 和其他人。

输入 'help;'  '\h' 获取帮助。输入 '\c' 清除当前输入语句。

SHOW STATUS LIKE 'cluster%';

MySQL [(none)]> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'cluster%';
| Counter                                  | Value                                        |
| cluster_name                             | posts                                        |
| cluster_posts_state_uuid                 | 95c2ffc3-c296-11e9-b475-9fad1c2e6dab         |
| cluster_posts_conf_id                    | 1                                            |
| cluster_posts_status                     | primary                                      |
| cluster_posts_size                       | 1                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_index                | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_node_state                 | synced                                       |
| cluster_posts_nodes_set                  |                                              |
| cluster_posts_nodes_view                 |,    |
| cluster_posts_indexes_count              | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_indexes                    |                                              |
| cluster_posts_local_state_uuid           | 95c2ffc3-c296-11e9-b475-9fad1c2e6dab         |
| cluster_posts_protocol_version           | 9                                            |
| cluster_posts_last_applied               | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_last_committed             | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_replicated                 | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_replicated_bytes           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_repl_keys                  | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_repl_keys_bytes            | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_repl_data_bytes            | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_repl_other_bytes           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_received                   | 2                                            |
| cluster_posts_received_bytes             | 175                                          |
| cluster_posts_local_commits              | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_cert_failures        | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_replays              | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_send_queue           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_send_queue_max       | 2                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_send_queue_min       | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_send_queue_avg       | 0.500000                                     |
| cluster_posts_local_recv_queue           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_recv_queue_max       | 2                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_recv_queue_min       | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_recv_queue_avg       | 0.500000                                     |
| cluster_posts_local_cached_downto        | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_paused_ns     | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_paused        | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_sent          | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_recv          | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_interval      | [ 100, 100 ]                                 |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_interval_low  | 100                                          |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_interval_high | 100                                          |
| cluster_posts_flow_control_status        | OFF                                          |
| cluster_posts_cert_deps_distance         | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_apply_oooe                 | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_apply_oool                 | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_apply_window               | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_commit_oooe                | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_commit_oool                | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_commit_window              | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_local_state                | 4                                            |
| cluster_posts_local_state_comment        | 已同步                                       |
| cluster_posts_cert_index_size            | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_cert_bucket_count          | 2                                            |
| cluster_posts_gcache_pool_size           | 1320                                         |
| cluster_posts_causal_reads               | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_cert_interval              | 0.000000                                     |
| cluster_posts_open_transactions          | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_open_connections           | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_ist_receive_status         |                                              |
| cluster_posts_ist_receive_seqno_start    | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_ist_receive_seqno_current  | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_ist_receive_seqno_end      | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_incoming_addresses         |,    |
| cluster_posts_cluster_weight             | 1                                            |
| cluster_posts_desync_count               | 0                                            |
| cluster_posts_evs_delayed                |                                              |
| cluster_posts_evs_evict_list             |                                              |
| cluster_posts_evs_repl_latency           | 1.075e-06/7.957e-06/2.2911e-05/8.12112e-06/5 |
| cluster_posts_evs_state                  | 运行中                                     |
| cluster_posts_gcomm_uuid                 | 95b52441-c296-11e9-abae-52c260760909         |
71 rows in set (0.00 sec)

而我们看到集群 posts 在这里也不存在。


本文为您提供了关于 Manticore Search 中复制的基本理解,以及可以用来设置简单集群的基本命令。

安装Manticore Search

安装Manticore Search