One of the defining features of Manticore that immediately grabbed my attention was its remarkable speed. The ability to interface with the service using JSON made for a flexible and modern approach to handling search queries, aligning well with current development practices. My overall experience with Manticore has been somewhat mixed. On one hand, I've genuinely enjoyed the capabilities it brings to the table, particularly the performance and the JSON communication method. These aspects have significantly enhanced the efficiency and adaptability of my projects. On the other hand, mastering Manticore has been a journey that required a thorough dive into its manual. The learning curve, while not insurmountable, demanded considerable time and effort. An active community and a support forum also made a significant contribution to the process of finding solutions to the problems that arose in front of me. A notable challenge has been the strong orientation towards SQL, including the training materials, which, while comprehensive, posed a steep learning path for someone more accustomed to JSON-centric systems. Despite these challenges, my experience with Manticore has been largely positive. The blend of speed, flexibility, and powerful search capabilities it offers has been invaluable. Moving forward, I hope to see a broader range of learning resources that cater to both SQL veterans and those more comfortable with JSON. Manticore has the potential to be a versatile tool in the search technology space, and I'm keen to continue exploring its possibilities.


Before Manticore, I hadn't worked with anything similar, but I was pleasantly surprised by how straightforward everything turned out to be. The documentation was clear and comprehensive, providing answers to nearly all my questions right away. It guided me through setting up my own database instance, populating it with data, and more, without any hassle. Reflecting on my overall experience with Manticore, I'd say it was excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed working with it, finding the process far more intuitive than I had anticipated. Should I encounter the need for full-text search in my work again, Manticore will undoubtedly be my first port of call. Manticore has not only met my needs but has done so in a way that made a potentially complex process seem easy. This experience has been incredibly positive, and I'm eager to continue exploring what Manticore can offer
Vladimir Semerikov

Vladimir Semerikov

You know I'm something of a data scientist myself

My appreciation for Manticore, as a worthy successor in its field, is elaborated in my article on Habr: Manticore: The Evolution of Search (link This piece outlines the aspects that make Manticore stand out, emphasizing its strengths and the evolutionary leap it represents from its predecessors. Having worked with this technology stack for over a decade, I can confidently say that my journey has been largely smooth. Manticore has been a reliable and effective solution for our specific needs within its scope, showcasing its capabilities as a top-tier search engine. However, my experience hasn't been without challenges. The infrequency of major updates, while ensuring stability, has also led to significant issues. The latest major release, in particular, resulted in cascading problems and outages across our services worldwide—affecting everything from memory leaks to tokenization and randomly inaccurate search results. Such incidents have notably impacted our business and presented management with considerable hurdles. Despite these obstacles, my overall sentiment towards Manticore remains positive. Its strengths in speed, flexibility, and scalability continue to make it an excellent tool for our search needs. The challenges we've encountered serve as learning opportunities, highlighting areas for improvement and development within the Manticore ecosystem. On the other hand, Manticore has been developing extremely actively over the past few years, every major release there is a significant expansion of functionality, dozens of bugfixes appear. All this gives hope for further cooperation and reuse of expertise in other projects.


One of the most impressive aspects of Manticore that I appreciate is its ability to facilitate the creation of a highly efficient cluster on even modest hardware. This capacity to operate at the limits of the equipment's capabilities, without necessitating substantial investments in hardware, showcases Manticore's optimization and performance excellence. Reflecting on my overall journey with Manticore, my experience has been exceptionally positive. The efficiency and scalability it offers, especially considering the modest hardware requirements, have significantly exceeded my expectations. Its ability to deliver high performance under such conditions is a testament to the thoughtful engineering and robust design of the software. Given my overwhelmingly positive experience, I find myself recommending Manticore to all my friends and colleagues looking for a powerful, efficient search solution. Manticore stands out not just for its technical prowess but also for the value it brings to projects of all sizes, making it an essential tool in my technological arsenal. Rykov Pavel
Pavel Zloi

Pavel Zloi

Seasoned milord-level programmer: OpenSource, Linux, PHP, Python, Machine Learning, Go, Kubernetes, AWS.

Having previously used Sphinx, my transition to Manticore was an easy decision. The switch required minimal relearning, allowing me to quickly get my project up and running. This ease of adaptation was a significant factor in my choice, as it meant I could maintain momentum without getting bogged down in the intricacies of a new system. Reflecting on my overall experience with Manticore, I've been thoroughly impressed and plan to use it in future projects. The responsive and helpful community, particularly in the Telegram chat, is a highlight. It's reassuring to see the active development and prompt problem-solving within the Manticore project, which instills confidence in its longevity and reliability. In essence, Manticore has proven to be not just a powerful search engine but also a vibrant and supportive ecosystem. The smooth transition from Sphinx, combined with the ongoing support and development, makes Manticore an excellent choice for anyone looking to implement robust full-text search functionality in their projects. ictcorp
Andrew Babere

Andrew Babere

What I truly appreciate about Manticore is the ability to move away from Elasticsearch and Java within Docker. This shift has simplified my development environment, reducing the overhead and complexity typically associated with managing Java dependencies in Dockerized applications. My overall experience with Manticore can be summed up as "set it and forget it." This ease of use and reliability is a testament to Manticore's robustness and efficiency as a search engine. The transition has not only streamlined my workflows but also provided a stable, high-performance search solution with minimal maintenance required. Embracing Manticore has been a game-changer, allowing me to focus more on development and less on infrastructure management. Its seamless integration and outstanding performance have made it an invaluable part of my tech stack. Roman Zaykin
Roman Zaykin

Roman Zaykin

Discovering Manticore has been a game-changer for our team. Its simplicity and SQL interface immediately stood out, making it incredibly easy to integrate into our existing workflows. What impresses us further is Manticore's resemblance to Elasticsearch in functionality but with a user experience that's much more straightforward and efficient. The ease of use and exceptional performance of Manticore cannot be overstated. It has seamlessly handled all our search needs without the complexity or overhead often associated with other search engines. This combination of user-friendly design and robust performance is why I wholeheartedly rate Manticore a perfect 10 out of 10. To the Manticore team, keep up the fantastic work! Your efforts are not only recognized but greatly appreciated. It's clear that Manticore isn't just a product; it's a solution that understands and meets the real-world needs of developers and businesses alike. Elbek Kamol QuickManage Inc (
Elbek Kamoliddinov

Elbek Kamoliddinov

What I love about Manticore is its plug-and-play functionality. The real-time (RT) indexes are a game-changer for us. Yes, scripting is required to ingest even static content into RT indexes, but for a programmer, that's hardly an issue. The real advantage lies in the ability to create dynamic indexes for forms, blogs, or news, allowing for instant updates to the search index. Reflecting on my entire experience with Manticore, I'd rate it beyond 5 stars, especially due to the support provided via their Telegram channel. The responsiveness and relevance of the assistance I've received there deserve immense respect. Manticore has not only simplified the integration of search functionalities into various content types but has also enhanced the agility of our search capabilities. Its efficiency, coupled with outstanding community support, makes Manticore an invaluable tool in our development toolkit. George (GPV).


Manticore has enriched my projects with its advanced features like CALL SUGGEST and FACET, which have become indispensable in my work. These functionalities have allowed me to implement more sophisticated search capabilities and data analysis tools, enhancing the overall value of the projects I've undertaken. Reflecting on my journey with Manticore, my overall experience has been overwhelmingly positive. Having successfully implemented it in two major projects, I've grown accustomed to the power and flexibility it offers. Manticore has not just met my needs but has become a reliable foundation for my projects, enabling me to deliver exceptional results consistently. Alexey


What stands out to me about Manticore is its exceptional performance and the ease of configuration. These aspects make Manticore not just a tool but a solution that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of our search capabilities without complicating the setup process. Reflecting on my overall experience with Manticore, it has been exclusively positive. The combination of high-speed performance and straightforward configuration has significantly contributed to the success of our projects. Manticore's ability to deliver reliable and fast search results with minimal setup time is commendable and showcases the thoughtfulness put into its development. In conclusion, Manticore has exceeded my expectations, providing a robust and user-friendly search solution that stands out in the marketplace. Its impact on our operations has been profoundly positive, making it an indispensable part of our technological toolkit. Anton Misikhin, Developer, Tradesoft


I recently had the pleasure of diving into Manticore Search, which I discovered through an informative article on Habr. My journey with this robust search engine has been quite enlightening, and I’m eager to share my experience. From the outset, the comprehensive documentation stood out to me. Its detail and structure are commendable, though the sheer volume meant I had to familiarize myself gradually, often reading through it into the night. Despite the initial learning curve, this preparatory phase proved to be a cornerstone for effective use. My practical experience with Manticore began with setting it up on a virtual machine with modest hardware. The setup was smooth, barring the minor hiccup of missing packages which were easily resolved, a testament to the thoroughness of the documentation. The bulk of my work involved uploading an extensive dataset of subtitles from various sources. Manticore’s performance, even on my dated hardware, was impressive. The process was swift and efficient, significantly outpacing my previous experiences with similar tasks on Elasticsearch using far more powerful equipment. Manticore’s search and highlighting capabilities particularly stood out. Its speed and efficiency managed large datasets with ease, showcasing its robustness without overwhelming the system — a feat that speaks volumes about its optimization. Looking forward, I plan to leverage Manticore’s prowess further in subtitle text search and highlight tasks and a personal music streaming hobby project. Its performance thus far gives me confidence that it will handle these tasks with the same level of efficiency. Overall, my introduction to Manticore Search has been overwhelmingly positive. The nuanced features that simplify user experience, coupled with its speed in indexing and search operations, have earned my respect for the development team. I look forward to its continued growth and would urge the team to maintain their excellent work. While the lack of in-documentation browser search via ctrl+F is a minor quibble, it does not detract from the overall stellar experience. In summary, Manticore Search is a powerful tool that breathes life into search and indexing operations, especially for those working with substantial amounts of data. It’s a robust, efficient, and user-friendly engine that I would highly recommend.


From the speed of its performance to the familiarity of its SQL interface, Manticore has significantly streamlined my workflow. My overall experience with Manticore has been overwhelmingly positive. While it's true that working with alternatives like Elasticsearch might reduce development time, Manticore's efficiency and user-friendly features have made a notable difference in my projects. It's not just about the time saved; it's about the reliability and ease of use that Manticore brings to the table
Sergei Tarasov

Sergei Tarasov

Manticore shines with its simplicity, minimal resource requirements, ease of setup, and exceptional support. Its support chat has been invaluable, particularly during the project launch phase. Additionally, the availability of a Ukrainian lemmatizer and high-quality search in Ukrainian is greatly appreciated. Despite being an excellent product, Manticore might need more market recognition as it lost out to Elastic in one project due to lack of public examples confirming its stability and quality in the USA. However, transitioning from Sphinx to Manticore was a tremendous leap forward in terms of stability, simplicity, and documentation quality. Oleksii Koksharov, developer of [](


I appreciate Manticore overall, though I've primarily delved into simple index operation. The learning curve was quite steep initially, with the documentation sometimes not quite matching reality, leading to some frustration. But in the end, I've managed to understand it, and importantly, it works. All in all, it's been a positive experience and a skill-boosting journey. Kudos to everyone involved! Konstantin Shamiev, Lead Developer, TN Digital
Konstantin Shamiev

Konstantin Shamiev

My experience with Manticore's products has been highly positive, earning a rating of 9 out of 10. What stands out the most is the exceptional speed of searching, which greatly enhances the efficiency of my tasks. Additionally, Manticore offers an extensive range of search options, providing flexibility for a variety of use cases. The quality of Manticore's software is impressive. To date, I have not encountered any significant bugs, attesting to the robustness of the product. Overall, Manticore has proven to be a reliable and high-performing tool that effectively meets my search needs. Maarten Truyens, CTO
Maarten Truyens

Maarten Truyens

CEO & CTO of ClauseBase; former IT lawyer

My overall experience with Manticore has been nothing short of great! As an open-source solution, Manticore offers easy-to-use functionality, with the convenience of a .NET SDK. This made my life really easy. And Manticore is REALLY stable. Over the years, it has proven to be rock solid, reliably working without any need for constant adjustments or troubleshooting. This ease of use and consistent performance make Manticore a standout choice for our search needs. Kevin Kidson, Developer of
Kevin Kidson

Kevin Kidson

WineNet (PTY) Ltd

Manticore Search impresses us with its lightweight build and lightning-fast performance. The degree of customization and configurability it provides sets it apart and allows us to fine-tune our search system to our exact needs. Overall, our experience with Manticore has been extremely satisfying. We appreciate the speed and efficiency it brings to our operations, and we're thrilled to continue using such a powerful tool. Henrik Steffen cgrd GmbH, Managing Director
Henrik Steffen

Henrik Steffen

CEO at cgrd GmbH in Hamburg. Developing and running E-Commerce customer portals for merchants and manufacturers.

I have been using Manticore products for some time now and they have truly become an integral part of my workflow. What strikes me the most about Manticore is the exceptional performance it offers, especially when handling large volumes of data. Working with big data can be challenging, but Manticore turns these challenges into opportunities. The speed at which it operates is genuinely remarkable, making it a standout choice for data-heavy tasks. Beyond the product's performance, what truly sets Manticore apart is the level of support they offer. Not only do they deliver an excellent product, but they also ensure that their customers can make the most out of it. The assistance I have received from the Manticore team has been second to none, making my overall experience with them outstanding. I highly recommend Manticore to anyone looking for a high-performance solution backed by a supportive team. It's not just a product, it's a game-changing tool. Damir Tresnjo, VP of Technology at Recreational Dealer Solutions


I've been using Sphinx for text search since 2007. In 2017, when the project was stale for 2 years, I've learned about manticore search and switched to it. it has served us very well - being one of those drama-free technologies that require constant care and feeding. it gives me a solid text search service for ever increasing number of documents [ starting from few millions, now at over 300M ], search and indexing performance is great.
Paweł Kudzia

Paweł Kudzia

It's a 5/5 product. We (my company and I) love Manticore, and the updates keep improving what was already incredibly useful and performant.


Programmer by trade, artist by hobby. Currently working full-time as a full stack PHP/Python/JS web developer and do Twitch/YouTube/VR/game dev things for fun!

My familiarity with Sphinx drew me to Manticore Search and it's refreshing to see how it has evolved from its predecessor, addressing stagnation issues and becoming more relevant in current times. I've been thoroughly satisfied with my experience with Manticore, even though my usage has been limited. Building a proof of concept to demonstrate Manticore's power to my company has been a rewarding experience. There was initial hesitation due to its relative obscurity, but the impressive performance results turned their views around. The engagement and support from Sergei and others on forums and GitHub issues are admirable and greatly appreciated. I believe in Manticore's potential and I'm eager to see its growth. My hope is that more people will discover and benefit from this powerful tool. Manticore truly is a hidden gem in the world of search engines. Hatem Jaber


We transitioned to Manticore last year, after many years with Sphinx. We have now integrated Manticore into our Kubernetes cluster, leveraging the official Manticore Helm chart. On our re-commerce website, we successfully perform filtering, faceting, and full-text searches over 3 milion books, effortlessly managing an volume of approximately 3.5 million queries daily. David Gazdoš, CTO at Bookbot/Knihobot
David Gazdoš

David Gazdoš

CTO at Bookbot/Knihobot

What I like about the Manticore products I use is that it's a great search engine with excellent documentation. Regarding my overall experience with Manticore, as a beginner, the process of getting Manticore up and running was a bit complex. However, I now have a better understanding of what to do and how to do it. I'm continuing to learn and become more proficient in using the product. Evgeny Krylevsky


I appreciate the speed of indexing and the overall stability of Manticore's products. Their comprehensive documentation has been incredibly helpful and the responsive technical support team, along with the live chat, add significant value to the user experience. Over the last three years of using Manticore's products, only minor issues and bugs have surfaced. Generally speaking, everything has been stable and functioning well. Currently, we are planning on transitioning to the 6th version, which is an exciting prospect. In terms of Manticore's growth, I am hopeful and eager to see more development and broader reach for the company. Overall, my experience has been positive, and I would rate it highly. Anton, CTO, inpars


I'm highly impressed by Manticore's products' performance speed, efficient resource utilization, crash repair mechanisms, and interactive training platform - they're all commendable. The assistance provided in the chat has been genuinely beneficial. My overall experience with Manticore's products rates at about a 7-8 out of 10. However, the absence of asynchronous clients for Python and Rust has been a hurdle to implementing Manticore everywhere. But, aside from these issues, we have stuck with Manticore because we really enjoy using it


What I appreciate about Manticore's products is the well-written documentation and the beneficial main+delta functionality. These features greatly enhance the user experience, making the software user-friendly and practical to use. Rating my overall experience with Manticore products, I would give it a strong 7 out of 10. The combination of thorough documentation and efficient functionality sets Manticore apart as a reliable and effective tool. Imomali
Imomali Ramazonov

Imomali Ramazonov

Student Go Developer

One aspect of Manticore products that truly impresses me is their performance speed and stability. Despite using version 4, everything operates remarkably stable at the moment. My overall experience with Manticore products can be described as utmost positive. It's just a wonderful tool that stands out with its stellar performance and consistent stability. Keep up the great work, Manticore! Yuri


What stands out about Manticore's products is the swift response from developers via Telegram, the quality of the documentation, and the fast-paced development of the project. These aspects make using Manticore a delightful experience. My overall experience with Manticore products would be a solid 6 out of 10. We utilize large plain indexes and also have a Real-Time (RT) cluster. The balance of great support, robust documentation, and continuous development makes Manticore a product to consider. Victor Barzilovich, Team Lead
Victor Barzilovich

Victor Barzilovich

What I truly appreciate about the Manticore products I use is the speed at which they operate, the convenience of deployment on servers, and the modest consumption of disk and RAM. I find that Manticore strikes a good balance between performance and resource utilization. Comparing my overall experience with Manticore to other similar products, I can confidently state that it is decisively superior to ElasticSearch, which proved to be quite costly for us. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate my experience with Manticore at a 9 or even a 10. The advantages Manticore offers in speed, ease of deployment, and low resource consumption make it a strong contender in its field and an excellent choice for users seeking a high-performing and cost-effective search engine. Aleksandr Antonov
Aleksandr Antonov

Aleksandr Antonov

Programming is similar to a surgery, the price and laboriousness of which consists of the complexity and high cost of errors. But we have linters and checkers.

When it comes to specific features of Manticore that I enjoy, it's tough to pinpoint. However, I must express my appreciation for the responsive and supportive community that surrounds the product. This aspect has proven to be crucial as numerous questions arose after reading the documentation, and there are undocumented aspects that I only became aware of thanks to the community chat. For instance, I learned about the 'data_dir' configuration, which is responsible for the real-time (rt) mode when enabled, and for plain mode when disabled, a detail not clearly indicated in the documentation. As for my overall experience with Manticore, although I'm relatively new to it, I believe I have mastered the core functionalities and I do not intend to stop there. The experience has been a learning process, and with the support of the Manticore community, it's a journey I'm glad to continue.
Nikita Solgalov

Nikita Solgalov

I truly appreciate Manticore as a viable successor to Sphinx, which had reached its end of life. The seamless transition facilitated by Manticore's capabilities and support allowed us to move to a new platform without significant challenges. Furthermore, the responsive community that surrounds Manticore is commendable. They readily offer assistance whenever we encounter roadblocks, adding immense value to the product experience. In terms of my overall experience with Manticore, I can confidently say it has been largely positive. Manticore's product performance, coupled with the supportive community, has provided a satisfying user experience that I highly recommend. alpatraum ,



My experience with Manticore products has been marked by their top-notch, responsive support. The fact that their support team is fluent in Russian is an added bonus for me and significantly improves the overall user experience. One example of their excellent service that stands out is when I requested support for M1. The team quickly implemented it, showcasing not only their technical capabilities but also their dedication to customer satisfaction. In terms of my overall experience with Manticore products, I would confidently rate it a solid 5 out of 5! Manticore's offerings have consistently met my needs and their customer-focused approach keeps me coming back. Andrew


CIO, web developer, teamlead and IT fan.

I am highly impressed with Manticore's exceptional performance when configured correctly. Their friendly and welcoming community is another strong point, providing quick answers to any inquiries. My overall experience with Manticore's products, though it's my first time working with a search engine, has been enlightening, if a bit challenging due to the level of the current documentation. A "Learning" or similar section in the documentation would have been very helpful at the start of my journey. Despite these challenges, I've managed to overcome and learn a great deal. However, this could potentially be a deterrent for newcomers who may find other platforms like Elasticsearch with more user-friendly documentation for beginners. Alexander Morozov, freelancer.
Alexander Morozov

Alexander Morozov

Manticore products, especially their search functionality, have greatly impressed me with their speed and efficiency. This aspect of their offerings has considerably enhanced my user experience and workflow. When reflecting upon my overall experience with Manticore's products, I can confidently state that it's been excellent. I am extremely pleased with my decision to choose Manticore and look forward to continuing to utilize their products in the future


I am particularly fond of the speed and efficient resource utilization provided by Manticore products, not to mention the cluster functionality. The performance of their services has greatly improved my work efficiency. As for my overall experience with Manticore's products, I am excited about their continued growth, having previously been familiar with Sphinx. I foresee a potential use for Manticore in our simpler services, or perhaps Manticore will grow to match the scale of Elasticsearch, eliminating the need for a choice between the two. I'm eager to see what the future holds with Manticore


What I particularly appreciate about Manticore products is their ability to solve the tasks at hand. I find the tools to be both efficient and effective in meeting my needs. As for my overall experience with Manticore, it has been largely positive. I find the products reliable and consistent in delivering the desired results. Sergey, Cyber-rom
Sergey Ivanov

Sergey Ivanov

With nearly 180,000 items in my store, traditional search methods like 'Like' take up to 15 seconds to yield results. Manticore, on the other hand, delivers results within fractions of a second. As a beginner, I started reading about Manticore and installed one of the previous versions over half a year ago. I began using it in a real project (and hence, understanding it in detail) about a month ago. The actual time it took to integrate it into a real project was approximately 5-6 hours (although, so far, it's only in the admin part). So far, I'm delighted with the results and the overall experience with Manticore. Alexander D


There are several aspects of Manticore that I truly appreciate: a) Comprehensive documentation is available b) There's a supportive Telegram chat for any issues c) The software easily installs on both Windows and Linux systems. Overall, my experience with Manticore products has been largely positive, and I would rate it a 4 out of 5. Evgeny, Web developer
Eugene Ostrovsky

Eugene Ostrovsky

What I truly appreciate about the Manticore product I use is its continuous development. I get the impression that users influence this evolution (a bug I reported was fixed), and the support on both the Russian and English forums is outstanding. Specifically, regarding Manticore Search, noticeable progress has been made compared to Sphinx, particularly in terms of reduced RAM usage, the ability to store original data alongside full-text indices, operational stability, and cluster and other capabilities. At the same time, it maintains high performance speed. As for my overall experience with Manticore, I have very warm feelings towards Manticore and the people who work on its development. You guys are doing a fantastic job! Dmitry Dekhkanbaev


I appreciate Manticore's speed, prompt support, and quick bug fixes. As a long-time Sphinx user, I rate my overall experience as positive, although I haven't tried all the features yet. Dmitry Voronin, Head of Information Security Software Department, NPPCT JSC
Dmitry Voronin

Dmitry Voronin

I have been using Manticore Search for over 5 years and during this time its features have improved a lot. The main reason why we switched to Manticore Search is the memory usage, it is much more efficient than its alternatives and the search is still rapid. Thank you for your great work, I'm a big fan of your project. Hayk Hovhannisyan Founder at


Good morning owl.

I appreciate Manticore's comprehensive documentation, supportive community, and the ability to learn from the diverse ways others use the product. It's also a bonus to read about different tasks and how various users are leveraging Manticore. My overall experience has been positive. This was my first time working with similar tools, and I was pleasantly surprised by the low entry barrier, thanks to the excellent documentation and support. Everything was simple and understandable. Egor Kazantsev, developer


One of the key features I love about Manticore is its detailed and comprehensible documentation. The continued development and release of new versions also keep the product relevant and cutting-edge. The service has a convenient API which has enabled us to eliminate an extra service layer over Sphinx, and we now directly interact with Manticore's API. This has streamlined our operations and boosted efficiency significantly. In terms of overall experience, transitioning from Sphinx to Manticore was remarkably easy. The product works impressively well 'out of the box' with no need for additional settings. I'd say it's a great solution for anyone looking to enhance their search capabilities. Dmitry Mashkin, Web Developer at Directum


I appreciate Manticore's speed, prompt support, and quick bug fixes. As a long-time Sphinx user, I rate my overall experience as positive, although I haven't tried all the features yet. Dmitry Voronin, Head of Information Security Software Department, NPPCT JSC
Dmitry Voronin

Dmitry Voronin

What I particularly like about the Manticore products I use is the comprehensive documentation ( and the interactive courses ( that swiftly help you understand the capabilities of the product. I would also like to highlight the responsive and friendly community. Overall, I'm really pleased with your progress. You guys are doing an amazing job! In terms of my overall experience with Manticore, I would give it a solid 8 out of 10. Ruslan Gainetdinov


What I appreciate most about the Manticore product I use is the ease of customization. It's simple to express basic functionalities using their intuitive formulae. Overall, my experience with Manticore has been highly positive. It's pleasing to know that most needs can be met at the snap of a finger with their solutions. Sergey Aleykin, Software Engineer
Aleykin Sergey

Aleykin Sergey

I love the high-speed search capabilities of Manticore and the rich query syntax it offers. It provides me with a robust set of tools to find exactly what I'm looking for, without any unnecessary delays or complications. My overall experience with Manticore has been very positive. It's quality software that delivers on its promises, and I would recommend it to anyone in need of a fast and reliable search solution. Andrey Vorslov, Web Developer at RosTender
Vorslov Andrew

Vorslov Andrew

Manticore's easy installation and MySQL-like environment are truly impressive, and the constant, flawless updates reflect the team's remarkable efforts. As the best indexer I've used so far, its installation and setup processes are a pleasure to navigate. Hence, my overall experience with Manticore has been highly positive, leading me to recommend it enthusiastically to friends and colleagues. Daniel Anati, CTO Inlight Technology Observatory, Tel-Aviv
Daniel Anati

Daniel Anati

Manticore stands out with its efficient resource utilization, allowing us to stress test the system using only a third of the server's resources. Despite encountering some crashes during querying, an upgrade helped overcome this issue. Did not like the way to write to distributed index data distribution is user's responsibility. Thus, my overall experience rates at 4.5 out of 5, attesting to Manticore's robust performance. Dmitry Smirnov, developer at MTS
Dmitry Smirnow

Dmitry Smirnow

Manticore's products are standout for their modest system requirements, simplicity of installation, and thorough documentation. These factors make the deployment and usage process smooth and user-friendly. I've been implementing Manticore in several projects for more than three years now, in some cases starting from scratch and in others, migrating from Sphinx. I recall that there was a bit of a lack in content/examples at that time, but the documentation was immediately readable and comprehensive. Overall, my experience with Manticore is positive, and I rate it highly. I would definitely recommend it whenever the opportunity arises. Pavel Bychko, Backend developer
Pavel Bychko

Pavel Bychko

What impresses me about Manticore Search is its speed, the minimal system requirements, and the rich functionality for working with full-text. It's a bonus that Manticore can be used even without full-text search in some cases where conventional databases like MySQL lack sufficient performance. This is typical when selecting through join 3-4-5 or more tables, and then performing aggregates, sorts, and "on-the-fly" filters according to user parameters and sorts - classic DBMS struggle with this since the query can't be fully covered by the index. I've been using your products for about 2-3 years. Overall, I'm satisfied. It's a wonderful fork. My general impression is that it's a functional and low-level solution for full-text search and fast operation with various aggregates. The results are pleasing, but the entry threshold is somewhat high: all newcomers have to intensively leaf through the manuals. In most cases, I use Manticore to solve the problems of more or less intelligent search for e-com online stores. Much less often - where some complex aggregates / facets are needed. For example, Manticore can replace MySQL and process slow queries much faster


I appreciate that Manticore is the successor of Sphinx, which made the integration process smoother for us, with fewer modifications needed. My overall experience with Manticore products is positive. We continue to use them within our tasks and they have proven to be an efficient tool in our arsenal. Ilyin Alexey, VF Infrastructure LLC


I appreciate Manticore for its minimal resource requirements, speed, functionality, and Russian language support. My overall experience? Excellent! It's a great tool! Andrey Paramonov


Manticore's setup simplicity is a definite plus, making it a user-friendly solution. My overall experience with Manticore has been quite positive, meriting a solid 4 out of 5 rating. Amos Bird, developer at Tencent
Amos Bird

Amos Bird

Telegram @amosbird

Manticore's speed, simplicity, high-quality search capabilities, and customization flexibility make it a standout product. With new features rolling out swiftly, my overall experience has been excellent - it's cool, convenient, and dynamic. Pavel, backend developer in ChiedoCover
Pavel Karavaev

Pavel Karavaev

I like that it was quick and easy to get Manticore up and running. As for my overall experience with the product, it's going smoothly so far, touch wood! neovich


My experience with Manticore Search has been exceptionally positive and satisfying. The search capability of Manticore Search is truly commendable, and what makes it even more appealing is its near-zero crash rate. Having used Sphinx on earlier projects, I often found myself grappling with the need to rebuild indexes due to regular crashes, a problem I haven't encountered with Manticore. Comparing Manticore with Elasticsearch, Manticore is significantly simpler to install and operate, making it far more user-friendly. It also appears to be more resource-efficient, even during idle periods, unlike Elasticsearch, which consumed considerable resources even when idle. The installation, maintenance, and version updating of Elasticsearch were not particularly smooth experiences. Transitioning from Sphinx to Manticore was smooth sailing. It was as simple as replacing the binary files. Where Sphinx 3 was used, a minor configuration change was required, and that was it. Another impressive feature of Manticore is the Russian lemmatizer, which significantly enhances the search quality. The overall experience with Manticore was enjoyable. It allowed me to accomplish what I set out to do with ease, which for me, is the most important metric. It was simple to set up, launch, and start experimenting with it. Lastly, I must mention the added value brought by the Manticore's Telegram chat groups. Not only can you ask questions and get prompt responses, but you can also read through interesting use cases and solutions provided by the community. This collaborative spirit makes Manticore not just a tool, but a community I'm proud to be a part of. Constantin Tsukanov, CTO, Botmother
Constantin Tsukanov

Constantin Tsukanov

Indotech LLC

I appreciate Manticore's support for SQL and the immediate availability and functionality of the Russian locale. Overall, everything is okay, especially with the fifth version
Anton Kholodkov

Anton Kholodkov

I appreciate its high performance and efficient use of hardware, CPU, and memory. Very customizable but requires configuration work to get right and work properly for a specific use-case. Jopik,


I appreciate the speed of operation and SQL query language support. My experience varies between delight and utter confusion. Overall, the emotions are positive and it seems we have gotten used to the nuances. But if you plan to compete with Elasticsearch, you need to move towards ease of use, so that as many entry-level specialists as possible can easily and comfortably start using Manticore as if it's MySQL. And Kubernetes, without it you won't be able to fully unleash the potential of the database and attract serious specialists with serious projects to switch to your product. Overall, I rate it 7 out of 10. I also want to express huge gratitude to the whole team, and especially the developers who answer questions in the chat. This really encourages me to continue using your product. Additionally, I would like to note the promptness and responsiveness when fixing issues. Your team does a great job of trying to close crashes as soon as possible, which also encourages me to continue using the product because there is confidence that the project won't die tomorrow or in a month or in a year. I wish you and your team success, and we will continue to try to use Manticore in our Kubernetes production. Andrey Kholzakov, Lead backend developer on node.js. Company aemedia


I appreciate the ability to work with Manticore through familiar SQL, which allowed for quick adaptation for usage. I send logs to it from rsyslog for fast searching. As for my overall experience, it's positive. However, there are some undocumented peculiarities in SQL queries that are puzzling. For instance, if I select a column and then specify the same column in WHERE, I get 0 records in response. But if I alias the same column in SELECT using AS, everything works


What I appreciate about the Manticore product I use is the speed of its full-text search. In terms of overall experience, I'd rate Manticore a 6-7 out of 10. On the plus side, it's noticeably faster than Elastic, and if you have experience with Sphinx, it's relatively easy to switch over. On the downside, like all search engines, there are quirks when updating full-text fields (while these are common and understandable, they don't make the process any easier), and the documentation isn't the most user-friendly. It's certainly detailed, and there's even a search function, but I often find myself hunting for information. I feel it lacks a comprehensive section on configuring indices and the database itself, complete with descriptions of config fields. For some reason, this information often has to be found on third-party sites.
Taras Tischenko

Taras Tischenko

Python developer from Russia

Having used Sphinx for several years, my transition to Manticore has been a bit rocky. I experienced crashes on my Mac initially, which led me back to Sphinx. While Manticore's performance has improved, it still has some room for refinement. Currently, I would rate my overall experience as moderate. Daniel, developer in Sweden


What I enjoy about Manticore products is their simplicity and speed. As for my overall experience, it's been easy-going - set it up once and forget about it! Aleksandr Dokin, backend developer
Aleksandr Dokin

Aleksandr Dokin

What I particularly appreciate about the Manticore product I use is that it's open-source. This aspect provides a transparency that instills confidence and allows for greater flexibility and control. As for my overall experience with Manticore, I would describe it as satisfactory. The platform has met my expectations so far, delivering on its promises and facilitating my tasks. Its open-source nature makes it a valuable tool that's both reliable and adaptable. I look forward to seeing how it continues to evolve and improve with the input and collaboration of its user community. I especially want to see more supported platforms.



The fact that Manticore is written in C++, which is capable of passing certification, is a notable advantage. Its documentation is comprehensive, and it offers impressive speed. However, there's still some room for improvement, leading me to rate my overall experience as a 6 out of 10. Maxim Merzlozubov, C++ developer


Manticore delivers impressive performance when working with MariaDB, notably enhancing response times for many of our Geographic, and Full Text Search calls. With its outstanding functionality, I'd rate my overall experience a perfect 10 out of 10. Dave Minogue, VP of Technology at New Spark Media
Dave Minogue

Dave Minogue

New Spark Media

Manticore's speed, coupled with its excellent support and stability, particularly its recovery capabilities, stand out to me. My overall experience has been excellent, making Manticore an exceptional tool in my tech suite! Carlo Kok, Tech Lead at
Carlo Kok

Carlo Kok

I appreciate Manticore's speed and its facet search functionality. In terms of my overall experience, it's exciting to see Manticore evolving. The documentation is top-notch. Comparatively, Sphinx feels like a thing of the past. Roman, Flexi IT


I am highly pleased with the simplicity of deployment and learning curve of Manticore products. They are economical in terms of resources consumed, which is a major plus. The availability of the MySQL connector is also a significant advantage. My overall experience with Manticore's products is quite limited but positive. I have worked only with the real-time (RT) indexes, dealing with several hundreds of thousands of records. I have successfully written my own PHP client and a wrapper for Laravel using Manticore. Despite the relatively limited usage, the experience has been enriching. Vadim Shemarov, Project Manager, Web Developer


I'm fully satisfied with the Manticore products I use. My overall experience has been excellent. It's a great product with a supportive community. Alex E. CTO HKeeper Global LLC
Alexei Eshchenko

Alexei Eshchenko

Dga Studio

What impresses me most about the Manticore product I use is its speed and the simplicity of its deployment (even without Docker). It operates with minimal overhead costs, demonstrating a flexibility that allows work to be done both from SQL and directly from a browser. My overall experience with Manticore products is excellent, meeting and often exceeding my expectations in terms of performance and adaptability. The only minor inconvenience I've encountered was the inability to download a PDF (cheatsheet) from the forum without registration. However, this is a small inconvenience in an otherwise seamless user experience. Manticore offers a product that excels in both speed and ease-of-use, which is why I highly recommend it. Pavel K


As a long-time user transitioning from Sphinx 2.x to Manticore, I've found the performance of Manticore to be highly stable. Regular updates and support for the Korean language, my native tongue, have significantly enhanced my experience. Overall, Manticore receives a perfect score from me, a 10 out of 10. Chul-Kyoo KIM, Team Lead at TapIt



As part of a non-profit, I have begun a project to build an electronic library that houses various books, messages etc. texts. A key aspect of this undertaking is having robust and flexible search functionality. To this end, I've started using Manticore's search indexing products, stepping beyond the limitations of the built-in search functionalities of CMSs that I have used. Although it's still early, I'm impressed with how Manticore features align with our requirements. It's too soon to dive into specifics, but I'm optimistic about the future and look forward to seeing the results as we further integrate Manticore into our project.
Patrik Jansson

Patrik Jansson

Manticore's products are both lightweight and lightning-fast, features I've been advertising to many Elasticsearch users. However, my overall experience is rated 3/5 due to the time I've had to spend resolving issues related to charset_table, FastAPI integration, Python libraries, and configurations, which is far from ideal. While AI assistance like ChatGPT and Bing Chat have been helpful, improved root level documentation could certainly help Manticore become a major player in the market. Teemu Otala, CEO, Datatriever Oy
Teemu Otala

Teemu Otala

Love the data... Suck as a coder :-)

Manticore's simplicity, particularly its straightforward database indexing, makes it a joy to use. My overall experience with the product has been nothing short of excellent
Ben Boyter

Ben Boyter


Manticore Search has been a key part of my toolkit since the days of SphinxSearch, and it has never let me down. Its speed and ease of operation are among the aspects I appreciate the most. The product offers a great balance of performance and simplicity, making it a pleasure to use. It is an excellent solution for leading the charge in high-load applications, data offloading, implementation of robust data mart solutions and building CQRS systems, where only change requests would be sent to the database, making Manticore an even more valuable asset. In summary, my overall experience with Manticore Search has been largely positive. It's a product that has proven its worth time and again, delivering the performance and reliability that I, and many other users, need.
Dmitry Mityanin

Dmitry Mityanin

The simplicity and convenience of Manticore and Sphinx search are their most appealing features to me. The indexing functionality, in particular, saves a tremendous amount of development time and effort. From a user experience perspective, my interactions with Manticore have been largely positive. I'm not currently a paying customer, but I have still received exceptional support from their team. That being said, it's important to note that Manticore's stability has been a concern in the past. During our tests, we encountered some instability issues that made us hesitant to upgrade. We've logged these issues on Manticore's GitHub page. In our view, these were issues that should have been identified and resolved earlier on. We chose Manticore/Sphinx over Elastic Search primarily because of its impressive speed, ease of development, and simpler server management, including the indexing feature. We hope Manticore continues to support real-time indexing, thereby preserving these benefits and keeping the indexer competitive. I'd also like to point out that Manticore Search is particularly well-suited to newer servers with many cores and threads. For example, we run on 128 core/256 thread EPYC servers, and Manticore's performance has been outstanding, especially when compared to Elastic Search. I feel this is an advantage that many people may overlook


What do I like about Manticore? Well, before choosing it, we compiled requirements and compared many search engines. We found that SOLR doesn't have an Erlang driver and Elastic's Cross Data Center Replication is paid, among other things. Ultimately, Manticore checked all our boxes. Overall, my experience with Manticore has been positive, and a special shout-out goes to their support team - they're doing an excellent job. If they keep up their active engagement on GitHub, in terms of bug fixes and discussions, then they're totally nailing it. Thumbs up! 👍
Oleg Golosovskiy

Oleg Golosovskiy

I'm working on a project where we use Manticoresearch's Helm chart. The service is convenient to deploy and configure for our needs, it's easy to interact with, and the integration with Kubernetes and project support deserves special attention. We found a bug during our work, and the Manticoresearch team promptly responded and quickly fixed the problem. Thanks to the project developers, I'm thrilled! Egor Mitin, Site Reliability Engineer


What I particularly appreciate about the Manticore product is the speed of search and the use of facets. Even though our forum has 1 million topics and 34 million messages, which might not be as substantial as some tasks, it operates impressively on a minimal hardware setup in plain mode + delta. My overall experience with Manticore is positive, and I should note that we have been using SphinxSearch for a long time before this. The team deserves commendation for continuing Sphinx's work and adding so many new features and improvements since those times. Keep up the good work!
Nic Latyshev

Nic Latyshev


Install Manticore Search

Install Manticore Search