Manticore Search vs Qdrant

Explore the comprehensive comparison between Manticore Search and Qdrant: two powerful solutions for vector search and similarity-based item discovery. Discover which engine best suits your project’s needs for performance, scalability, and advanced search capabilities.


When it comes to vector search and similarity-based item discovery, choosing the right engine is crucial. Compare Manticore Search and Qdrant, two advanced search solutions, to find the perfect fit for your high-performance, scalable vector search requirements.

By examining key features, we can better understand how Manticore Search and Qdrant compare in various use cases and requirements. Let’s dive into the specifics of each engine to help you make an informed decision for your vector search implementation.

Manticore Search Logo

What is Manticore Search

Manticore Search is a versatile, open-source search engine that offers both full-text and vector search capabilities. It provides efficient full-text search with advanced querying options, vector search support using HNSW algorithm for similarity-based item discovery, real-time indexing for instant updates to search results, advanced distributed search for enhanced scalability, comprehensive SQL support with an extended query language, native JSON handling for seamless integration with modern data structures, optimized bulk insert operations for efficient large-scale data ingestion, geospatial search functionality, and columnar storage support for analytical workloads. Manticore Search provides a unified solution for both traditional full-text search and modern vector search applications, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases and industries.

Qdrant Logo

What is Qdrant

Qdrant is a vector similarity search engine designed for machine learning applications. It specializes in vector similarity search using various distance metrics, supports approximate nearest neighbor search algorithms, offers built-in support for filtering during search operations, provides payload storage alongside vectors for additional metadata, features REST API and gRPC interface for easy integration, enables horizontal scalability with distributed architecture, supports custom scoring functions, and ensures ACID-compliant transactions for data consistency. Qdrant focuses on providing high-performance vector search capabilities, particularly suited for recommendation systems, semantic search, and other machine learning-driven applications.

Key Features

Manticore Search and Qdrant are two powerful search engines that excel in different areas. While Manticore Search offers a comprehensive solution for both full-text and vector search, Qdrant specializes in vector similarity search. Let’s compare their features to help you determine which engine best fits your project’s needs.

FeatureManticore SearchQdrant
Open source
Full-text search⚠️ (partially through payload filtering)
Autocomplete (predictive typing suggestions)
Fuzzy search (handling typos)
Vector Search (semantic and similarity-based searching)
Boolean full-text search (AND, OR, NOT query support)⚠️ (can filter vectors based on metadata)
Faceting (organize and narrow search results)⚠️ (limited support of aggregations)
Grouping (combine related search results)
Geospatial search (location-based search capabilities)
JOINs (combine data from different sources)
Synonyms (support for alternate search terms)
Percolate search (match queries to incoming data)
Real-time indexing (immediate document updates)
Secondary indexes (support multiple indexes for faster queries)
Row-wise storage (row-oriented data storage)
Columnar storage (column-oriented data storage)
Docstore (store original values)
Cost-based query optimizer (choose the best query plan based on data)
In-place updates (update documents without re-indexing)
Nested object/JSON field (support complex JSON structures)
Auto-schema (automatic schema generation for data)
SQL support (query using SQL syntax)
JSON support (query using JSON syntax)
Bulk inserts (insert large amounts of data efficiently)
Distributed search (search across multiple nodes)
High availability (data mirroring and load balancing)
Replication (copy data across different nodes for redundancy)
Auto-sharding (automatic data partitioning across nodes)⚠️ coming soon🔗
Authentication (built-in user authentication features)

Both Manticore Search and Qdrant offer robust vector search capabilities, but with different strengths. Manticore Search provides a versatile solution combining full-text and vector search, while Qdrant specializes in high-performance vector similarity search. Consider your specific project requirements, including the need for full-text search, scalability, and integration with existing systems, when choosing between these two powerful search engines.

API Client Libraries (SDKs)

When it comes to integration with your programming language, both Manticore Search and Qdrant offer SDKs and tools to help you build powerful search applications. Let’s compare the SDKs offered by both engines.

Programming languageManticore SearchQdrant
JavaScript JavaScript
TypeScript TypeScript
Python Python
Ruby Ruby
Go Go
Rust Rust
Java Java
Elixir Elixir
C++ C++
C# C#

Both Manticore Search and Qdrant offer a range of SDKs to support integration with various programming languages. Choose the language that best suits your project’s requirements and integrate your preferred search engine seamlessly into your application.

External Integrations

Explore the external integrations and ecosystem compatibility of Manticore Search and Qdrant, two advanced search engines specializing in vector search. This comparison highlights how these solutions interface with various databases, programming languages, and third-party tools, enabling seamless integration into diverse technology stacks and enhancing your search implementation capabilities.

Integration nameManticore SearchQdrant
MySQL client support
MySQLdump support
Elasticdump support
Apache Superset integration
Grafana integration
Fluentbit integration
Logstash integration
Filebeat integration integration
Kibana integration⚠️ coming soon🔗
Kafka integration⚠️ coming soon🔗

Manticore Search offers numerous integrations, allowing it to work with various external services and technologies. Consider your existing technology stack, preferred programming languages, and required third-party integrations when selecting between Manticore and Qdrant for your project.

Use Cases

Manticore Search and Qdrant are powerful search engines with distinct strengths in vector search capabilities. Understanding their specific features helps in choosing the right engine for particular use cases.

  • Hybrid Search Applications: Manticore Search supports scenarios requiring both full-text filtering and vector search capabilities, offering a unified solution for applications that need to combine traditional keyword search with similarity-based item discovery.
  • Pure Vector Search: Qdrant specializes in high-performance vector similarity search, making it particularly well-suited for applications focused solely on vector-based operations, such as image similarity or advanced recommendation systems.
  • E-commerce Recommendations: Both engines can handle product recommendations, but Manticore’s combination of full-text and vector search may provide more flexibility for complex e-commerce scenarios involving text descriptions and visual similarity.
  • Semantic Search: Both Manticore Search and Qdrant support semantic search applications. Manticore’s additional full-text capabilities may offer advantages in scenarios where semantic understanding needs to be combined with keyword matching.
  • Large-Scale Analytics: Manticore Search’s columnar storage support and SQL capabilities make it suitable for analytical workloads involving both structured data and vector representations.
  • Real-time Applications: Both engines support real-time indexing, but Manticore’s broader feature set may provide more options for applications requiring instant updates across various data types.
  • Multi-modal Search: Manticore Search’s versatility in handling different data types (text, vectors, geospatial) makes it well-suited for multi-modal search applications combining various search criteria.
  • Machine Learning Model Serving: Qdrant’s focus on vector operations and custom scoring functions may give it an edge in scenarios closely tied to serving machine learning models, particularly in pure vector spaces.

While both Manticore Search and Qdrant offer strong vector search capabilities, they cater to slightly different use cases. Manticore Search provides a more versatile solution, combining full-text and vector search with additional features like SQL support and columnar storage. Qdrant, on the other hand, specializes in high-performance vector similarity search, making it particularly suitable for focused vector-based applications. The choice between them depends on your specific project requirements, including the need for hybrid search capabilities, scalability demands, and integration with existing systems.


When it comes to vector search engines, Manticore Search and Qdrant both offer powerful solutions with distinct strengths.

  • Manticore Search provides a versatile solution combining full-text and vector search capabilities
  • Qdrant specializes in high-performance vector similarity search optimized for machine learning applications
  • Manticore Search offers broader functionality, including SQL support and columnar storage
  • Qdrant provides focused features for vector operations, including custom scoring functions
  • Both engines support real-time indexing and distributed architectures for scalability

Qdrant excels in specialized vector similarity search, making it ideal for projects focused primarily on vector-based operations. On the other hand, Manticore Search offers a more comprehensive solution, combining both full-text and vector search capabilities. This versatility allows Manticore to handle a wider range of search scenarios, making it suitable for projects that require both traditional text-based search and vector similarity search. Choose the solution that best aligns with your specific project needs and search requirements.

Try Manticore Search

Experience the power of Manticore Search firsthand and see how it combines full-text and vector search capabilities.

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Install Manticore Search

Install Manticore Search