Percolate queries: Schemaless and expression filtering

In this article we discuss how schemaless docs can be used in Percolate Queries.

The Percolate Query feature allows storing not only fulltext matches, but also regular attribute filtering.
Until 2.7.0 this was limited to a single numeric attribute condition.

Now filtering can work with string and JSON attributes. The JSON filtering is interesting as you can test schemaless documents against stored queries. The filtering also now supports multiple attribute filtering and usage of expressions, which allows more complex stored criterias.

mysql> insert into pq (query,filters) values('orange', 'j.price - 1 > 3');
mysql> insert into pq (query,filters) values('orange', 'j.price - 1 > 3 OR j.tag IS NOT null');
mysql> insert into pq (query,filters) values('orange', 'j.price - 1 > 3 OR any (x=\'test\' for x in j.tag)');

mysql> CALL PQ ('pq', ('{"title":"orange","id":10, "j":{ "price":5 } }', 
                       '{"title":"orange","id":11, "j":{ "price":3 } }', 
                       '{"title":"orange","id":12, "j":{ "tag":5 } }', 
                       '{"title":"orange","id":13, "j":{ "tag":["test"] } }' ), 
                 1 as docs, 1 as docs_json, 1 as query , 'id' as docs_id);
| UID  | Documents | Query  | Tags | Filters                                           |
|    4 | 10        | orange |      |  j.price - 1 > 3                                  |
|    5 | 10,12,13  | orange |      |  j.price - 1 > 3 OR j.tag IS NOT null             |
|    6 | 10,13     | orange |      |  j.price - 1 > 3 OR any (x='test' for x in j.tag) |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MVA attributes support is coming in 2.7.1 release.
Full-text matching on schemaless data is not yet supported, we are looking to add this in future. For now, text properties that requires full-text matching needs to be extracted in separate text fields.

Install Manticore Search

Install Manticore Search