
Wordforms vs exceptions

Exceptions and wordforms are two useful tools built into Manticore Search, which you can use to improve search recall and precision. They have a lot in common, but also have important differences that I’d like to cover in this article. …


Manticore Search 5

Today Manticore team is thrilled to announce Manticore Search 5.0.0 . It took us almost 5 months, 450 commits and almost 50 thousand lines of code changed. We want to thank all of our:
contributors bug reporters authors of the PGM index and …


Beta testers wanted for pseudo-sharding

Hi folks. As you probably know in 4.0.2 we released pseudo-sharding which lets you parallelize your non-full-text query instantly to all your CPU cores. It’s good for purely analytical queries (w/o full-text), but doesn’t take any effect …

Install Manticore Search

Install Manticore Search