
Meilisearch vs Manticore Search

Introduction In the ever-evolving digital landscape, search engines play an increasingly crucial role in powering search functionalities across various platforms. Among the popular search engines, Meilisearch and Manticore Search stand out …


Manticore Buddy: pluggable design

Hey folks. Exciting news about Manticore Buddy: we have finished the migration to a pluggable design! That means you can build your own Manticore Search SQL/JSON query as a plugin, publish it on, and install it using the …


New backup and recovery approaches

Hey there! We’ve got some great news to share with you about the Manticore’s backup tool we released recently as a part of Manticore Search 6. If you’re someone who values their data and wants to ensure its safety and security, then this is …


Manticore Buddy: challenges and solutions

Hey there! 🤗 We hope y’all have already checked out our Buddy Intro and have a good understanding of how it works. We want to share our journey and experiences developing it and the challenges we faced.
At Manticore Software, we encountered …


Introducing Buddy: the PHP sidecar for Manticore Search

Manticore Buddy is a PHP-based sidecar and Manticore Search companion that makes development faster and more efficient. In a world where C++ development can be slow, Manticore Buddy empowers developers to swiftly create and deploy features. …


Manticore Search 6

Today, the Manticore team is thrilled to announce the release of Manticore Search 6.0.0. This release has been a labor of love, taking over half a year, almost 800 commits, and more than 80,000 lines of code to complete. We would like to …

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