🚀 Performance
you are looking for

Performance drives the development of Manticore Search. We are dedicated to achieving low response times, which are crucial for analyzing large datasets. Throughput is also a key consideration, allowing Manticore to handle a high number of queries per second. Manticore Search is the fastest open-source search engine for big data and vector search.

Cost-effective search engine

Manticore Search is the most user-friendly, accessible, and cost-effective database for search. We excel in efficiency, even on small VM/container setups with minimal resources, such as 1 core and 1GB of memory, while still delivering impressive speed. Manticore Search is designed to handle a wide range of use cases and offers powerful performance with resource efficiency for operations of all scales. Explore our benchmarks here to see how Manticore outperforms other solutions in various scenarios.

Cost-effective search engine

Vector Search

Discover the powerful capabilities of Semantic and Vector Search with Manticore Search. Learn more by exploring our articles on Vector Search in Manticore and Integrating Vector Search into GitHub.

Vector Search

Elasticsearch alternative

Manticore Search offers a superior alternative to Elasticsearch. Use Manticore search engine with Logstash and Beats and experience performance improvements up to 29x better than Elasticsearch when handling 10M Nginx logs dataset. Discover more about our enhanced search speeds in various use cases.

Elasticsearch alternative

Professional Services

While Manticore is 100% open-source, we’re here to help you make the most of it!

Consulting: Save your team’s time and resources while building faster
Fine-tuning: Ensure your instance runs at peak performance
Feature Development: Get custom features tailored to your business needs

Discover more about our full range of services.

Professional Services

True open source

We love open source. Manticore Search and other publicly available Manticore products are all free to use and published under OSI-approved open source licences. Feel free to contribute on GitHub.

True open source

Easy to use

Check out how easy to use Manticore Search with popular programming languages.
Setup and perform a search in a few lines of code under 1 minute.

curl localhost:9308/_bulk -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" -d '
{ "index" : { "_index" : "tbl" } }
{ "title" : "Crossbody Bag", "price": 19.85}
{ "index" : { "_index" : "tbl" } }
{ "title" : "microfiber sheet", "price": 19.99}

# Search with highlighting
curl localhost:9308/search -d '
  "index": "tbl",
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "*": "bag"
  "highlight": {
    "fields": ["title"]
create table products(title text, price float) morphology='stem_en';
insert into products(title,price) values ('Crossbody Bag with Tassel', 19.85), ('microfiber sheet set', 19.99), ('Pet Hair Remover Glove', 7.99);
select id, highlight(), price from products where match('remove hair');
curl "localhost:9308/sql?mode=raw" -d "INSERT INTO mytable (title, price) VALUES ('Crossbody Bag', 19.85), ('microfiber sheet', 19.99)"

curl localhost:9308/sql -d "SELECT *, HIGHLIGHT() FROM mytable WHERE MATCH('bag')"
use Manticoresearch\{Index, Client};
$client = new Client(['host'=>'','port'=>9308]);
$table = $client->index('products');
$table->addDocument(['title' => 'Crossbody Bag', 'price' => 19.85]);
$table->addDocument(['title' => 'microfiber sheet', 'price' => 19.99]);

# Search with highlighting
$result = $table->search('bag')->highlight(['title'])->get();
var Manticoresearch = require('manticoresearch');
var client= new Manticoresearch.ApiClient()
indexApi = new Manticoresearch.IndexApi(client);
searchApi = new Manticoresearch.SearchApi(client);
res = await indexApi.insert({"index": "products", "doc" : {"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel", "price" : 19.85}});
res = await indexApi.insert({"index": "products", "doc" : {"title" : "microfiber sheet set", "price" : 19.99}});
res = await searchApi.search({"index": "products", "query": {"query_string": "@title bag"}, "highlight": {"fieldnames": ["title"]}});
import {Configuration, IndexApi, SearchApi, UtilsApi} from "manticoresearch-ts";
const config = new Configuration({
	basePath: 'http://localhost:9308',
const indexApi = new IndexApi(config);
const searchApi = new SearchApi(config);
await indexApi.insert({index : 'products', id : 1, doc : {title : 'Crossbody Bag with Tassel'}});
await indexApi.insert({index : 'products', id : 2, doc : {title : 'Pet Hair Remover Glove'}});
const res = await searchApi.search({
	index: 'products',
	query: { query_string: {'bag'} },
import manticoresearch
config = manticoresearch.Configuration(
    host = ""
client = manticoresearch.ApiClient(config)
indexApi = manticoresearch.IndexApi(client)
searchApi = manticoresearch.SearchApi(client)
indexApi.insert({"index": "products", "doc" : {"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel", "price" : 19.85}})
indexApi.insert({"index": "products", "doc" : {"title" : "Pet Hair Remover Glove", "price" : 7.99}})
searchApi.search({"index": "products", "query": {"query_string": "@title bag"}, "highlight":{"fieldnames":["title"]}})
import (
	manticoreclient "github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch-go"
configuration := manticoreclient.NewConfiguration()
configuration.Servers[0].URL = "http://localhost:9308"
apiClient := manticoreclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)

tableName := "products"
indexDoc := map[string]interface{} {"title": "Crossbody Bag with Tassel"}
indexReq := manticoreclient.NewInsertDocumentRequest(tableName, indexDoc)

indexDoc = map[string]interface{} {"title": "Pet Hair Remover Glove"}
indexReq = manticoreclient.NewInsertDocumentRequest(tableName, indexDoc)

searchRequest := manticoreclient.NewSearchRequest(tableName)
query := map[string]interface{} {"query_string": "bag"}

res, _, _ := apiClient.SearchAPI.Search(context.Background()).SearchRequest(*searchRequest).Execute()
import com.manticoresearch.client.*;
import com.manticoresearch.client.model.*;
import com.manticoresearch.client.api.*;
ApiClient client = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
IndexApi indexApi = new IndexApi(client);
SearchApi searchApi = new SearchApi(client);

// Insert document 1
InsertDocumentRequest newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest();
HashMap<String,Object> doc = new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
    put("title", "Crossbody Bag with Tassel");
    put("price", 19.85);
sqlresult = indexApi.insert(newdoc);

// Insert document 2
newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest();
doc = new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
    put("title","microfiber sheet set");
    put("price", 19.99);
sqlresult = indexApi.insert(newdoc);

// Search
query = new HashMap<String,Object>();
query.put("query_string", "@title bag");
searchRequest = new SearchRequest();

Highlight highlight = new Highlight();
highlight.setFieldnames( Arrays.asList("title") );

searchResponse = searchApi.search(searchRequest);

What people say about Manticore Search

Don’t just take our word for it, hear what our lovely users have to say!

One of the defining features of Manticore that immediately grabbed my attention was its remarkable speed. The ability to interface with the service using JSON made for a flexible and modern approach to handling search queries, aligning well with current development practices. My overall experience with Manticore has been somewhat mixed. On one hand, I've genuinely enjoyed the capabilities it brings to the table, particularly the performance and the JSON communication method. These aspects have significantly enhanced the efficiency and adaptability of my projects. On the other hand, mastering Manticore has been a journey that required a thorough dive into its manual. The learning curve, while not insurmountable, demanded considerable time and effort. An active community and a support forum also made a significant contribution to the process of finding solutions to the problems that arose in front of me. A notable challenge has been the strong orientation towards SQL, including the training materials, which, while comprehensive, posed a steep learning path for someone more accustomed to JSON-centric systems. Despite these challenges, my experience with Manticore has been largely positive. The blend of speed, flexibility, and powerful search capabilities it offers has been invaluable. Moving forward, I hope to see a broader range of learning resources that cater to both SQL veterans and those more comfortable with JSON. Manticore has the potential to be a versatile tool in the search technology space, and I'm keen to continue exploring its possibilities.


Before Manticore, I hadn't worked with anything similar, but I was pleasantly surprised by how straightforward everything turned out to be. The documentation was clear and comprehensive, providing answers to nearly all my questions right away. It guided me through setting up my own database instance, populating it with data, and more, without any hassle. Reflecting on my overall experience with Manticore, I'd say it was excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed working with it, finding the process far more intuitive than I had anticipated. Should I encounter the need for full-text search in my work again, Manticore will undoubtedly be my first port of call. Manticore has not only met my needs but has done so in a way that made a potentially complex process seem easy. This experience has been incredibly positive, and I'm eager to continue exploring what Manticore can offer

Vladimir Semerikov
Vladimir Semerikov

You know I’m something of a data scientist myself

My appreciation for Manticore, as a worthy successor in its field, is elaborated in my article on Habr: Manticore: The Evolution of Search (link https://habr.com/ru/companies/wargaming/articles/580232/). This piece outlines the aspects that make Manticore stand out, emphasizing its strengths and the evolutionary leap it represents from its predecessors. Having worked with this technology stack for over a decade, I can confidently say that my journey has been largely smooth. Manticore has been a reliable and effective solution for our specific needs within its scope, showcasing its capabilities as a top-tier search engine. However, my experience hasn't been without challenges. The infrequency of major updates, while ensuring stability, has also led to significant issues. The latest major release, in particular, resulted in cascading problems and outages across our services worldwide—affecting everything from memory leaks to tokenization and randomly inaccurate search results. Such incidents have notably impacted our business and presented management with considerable hurdles. Despite these obstacles, my overall sentiment towards Manticore remains positive. Its strengths in speed, flexibility, and scalability continue to make it an excellent tool for our search needs. The challenges we've encountered serve as learning opportunities, highlighting areas for improvement and development within the Manticore ecosystem. On the other hand, Manticore has been developing extremely actively over the past few years, every major release there is a significant expansion of functionality, dozens of bugfixes appear. All this gives hope for further cooperation and reuse of expertise in other projects.


One of the most impressive aspects of Manticore that I appreciate is its ability to facilitate the creation of a highly efficient cluster on even modest hardware. This capacity to operate at the limits of the equipment's capabilities, without necessitating substantial investments in hardware, showcases Manticore's optimization and performance excellence. Reflecting on my overall journey with Manticore, my experience has been exceptionally positive. The efficiency and scalability it offers, especially considering the modest hardware requirements, have significantly exceeded my expectations. Its ability to deliver high performance under such conditions is a testament to the thoughtful engineering and robust design of the software. Given my overwhelmingly positive experience, I find myself recommending Manticore to all my friends and colleagues looking for a powerful, efficient search solution. Manticore stands out not just for its technical prowess but also for the value it brings to projects of all sizes, making it an essential tool in my technological arsenal. Rykov Pavel

Pavel Zloi
Pavel Zloi

Seasoned milord-level programmer: OpenSource, Linux, PHP, Python, Machine Learning, Go, Kubernetes, AWS.

Having previously used Sphinx, my transition to Manticore was an easy decision. The switch required minimal relearning, allowing me to quickly get my project up and running. This ease of adaptation was a significant factor in my choice, as it meant I could maintain momentum without getting bogged down in the intricacies of a new system. Reflecting on my overall experience with Manticore, I've been thoroughly impressed and plan to use it in future projects. The responsive and helpful community, particularly in the Telegram chat, is a highlight. It's reassuring to see the active development and prompt problem-solving within the Manticore project, which instills confidence in its longevity and reliability. In essence, Manticore has proven to be not just a powerful search engine but also a vibrant and supportive ecosystem. The smooth transition from Sphinx, combined with the ongoing support and development, makes Manticore an excellent choice for anyone looking to implement robust full-text search functionality in their projects. ictcorp

Andrew Babere
Andrew Babere

What I truly appreciate about Manticore is the ability to move away from Elasticsearch and Java within Docker. This shift has simplified my development environment, reducing the overhead and complexity typically associated with managing Java dependencies in Dockerized applications. My overall experience with Manticore can be summed up as "set it and forget it." This ease of use and reliability is a testament to Manticore's robustness and efficiency as a search engine. The transition has not only streamlined my workflows but also provided a stable, high-performance search solution with minimal maintenance required. Embracing Manticore has been a game-changer, allowing me to focus more on development and less on infrastructure management. Its seamless integration and outstanding performance have made it an invaluable part of my tech stack. Roman Zaykin

Roman Zaykin
Roman Zaykin

Discovering Manticore has been a game-changer for our team. Its simplicity and SQL interface immediately stood out, making it incredibly easy to integrate into our existing workflows. What impresses us further is Manticore's resemblance to Elasticsearch in functionality but with a user experience that's much more straightforward and efficient. The ease of use and exceptional performance of Manticore cannot be overstated. It has seamlessly handled all our search needs without the complexity or overhead often associated with other search engines. This combination of user-friendly design and robust performance is why I wholeheartedly rate Manticore a perfect 10 out of 10. To the Manticore team, keep up the fantastic work! Your efforts are not only recognized but greatly appreciated. It's clear that Manticore isn't just a product; it's a solution that understands and meets the real-world needs of developers and businesses alike. Elbek Kamol QuickManage Inc (quickmanage.com)

Elbek Kamoliddinov
Elbek Kamoliddinov

What I love about Manticore is its plug-and-play functionality. The real-time (RT) indexes are a game-changer for us. Yes, scripting is required to ingest even static content into RT indexes, but for a programmer, that's hardly an issue. The real advantage lies in the ability to create dynamic indexes for forms, blogs, or news, allowing for instant updates to the search index. Reflecting on my entire experience with Manticore, I'd rate it beyond 5 stars, especially due to the support provided via their Telegram channel. The responsiveness and relevance of the assistance I've received there deserve immense respect. Manticore has not only simplified the integration of search functionalities into various content types but has also enhanced the agility of our search capabilities. Its efficiency, coupled with outstanding community support, makes Manticore an invaluable tool in our development toolkit. George (GPV).


Manticore has enriched my projects with its advanced features like CALL SUGGEST and FACET, which have become indispensable in my work. These functionalities have allowed me to implement more sophisticated search capabilities and data analysis tools, enhancing the overall value of the projects I've undertaken. Reflecting on my journey with Manticore, my overall experience has been overwhelmingly positive. Having successfully implemented it in two major projects, I've grown accustomed to the power and flexibility it offers. Manticore has not just met my needs but has become a reliable foundation for my projects, enabling me to deliver exceptional results consistently. Alexey


What stands out to me about Manticore is its exceptional performance and the ease of configuration. These aspects make Manticore not just a tool but a solution that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of our search capabilities without complicating the setup process. Reflecting on my overall experience with Manticore, it has been exclusively positive. The combination of high-speed performance and straightforward configuration has significantly contributed to the success of our projects. Manticore's ability to deliver reliable and fast search results with minimal setup time is commendable and showcases the thoughtfulness put into its development. In conclusion, Manticore has exceeded my expectations, providing a robust and user-friendly search solution that stands out in the marketplace. Its impact on our operations has been profoundly positive, making it an indispensable part of our technological toolkit. Anton Misikhin, Developer, Tradesoft


One of the defining features of Manticore that immediately grabbed my attention was its remarkable speed. The ability to interface with the service using JSON made for a flexible and modern approach to handling search queries, aligning well with current development practices. My overall experience with Manticore has been somewhat mixed. On one hand, I've genuinely enjoyed the capabilities it brings to the table, particularly the performance and the JSON communication method. These aspects have significantly enhanced the efficiency and adaptability of my projects. On the other hand, mastering Manticore has been a journey that required a thorough dive into its manual. The learning curve, while not insurmountable, demanded considerable time and effort. An active community and a support forum also made a significant contribution to the process of finding solutions to the problems that arose in front of me. A notable challenge has been the strong orientation towards SQL, including the training materials, which, while comprehensive, posed a steep learning path for someone more accustomed to JSON-centric systems. Despite these challenges, my experience with Manticore has been largely positive. The blend of speed, flexibility, and powerful search capabilities it offers has been invaluable. Moving forward, I hope to see a broader range of learning resources that cater to both SQL veterans and those more comfortable with JSON. Manticore has the potential to be a versatile tool in the search technology space, and I'm keen to continue exploring its possibilities.


Before Manticore, I hadn't worked with anything similar, but I was pleasantly surprised by how straightforward everything turned out to be. The documentation was clear and comprehensive, providing answers to nearly all my questions right away. It guided me through setting up my own database instance, populating it with data, and more, without any hassle. Reflecting on my overall experience with Manticore, I'd say it was excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed working with it, finding the process far more intuitive than I had anticipated. Should I encounter the need for full-text search in my work again, Manticore will undoubtedly be my first port of call. Manticore has not only met my needs but has done so in a way that made a potentially complex process seem easy. This experience has been incredibly positive, and I'm eager to continue exploring what Manticore can offer

Vladimir Semerikov
Vladimir Semerikov

You know I’m something of a data scientist myself

My appreciation for Manticore, as a worthy successor in its field, is elaborated in my article on Habr: Manticore: The Evolution of Search (link https://habr.com/ru/companies/wargaming/articles/580232/). This piece outlines the aspects that make Manticore stand out, emphasizing its strengths and the evolutionary leap it represents from its predecessors. Having worked with this technology stack for over a decade, I can confidently say that my journey has been largely smooth. Manticore has been a reliable and effective solution for our specific needs within its scope, showcasing its capabilities as a top-tier search engine. However, my experience hasn't been without challenges. The infrequency of major updates, while ensuring stability, has also led to significant issues. The latest major release, in particular, resulted in cascading problems and outages across our services worldwide—affecting everything from memory leaks to tokenization and randomly inaccurate search results. Such incidents have notably impacted our business and presented management with considerable hurdles. Despite these obstacles, my overall sentiment towards Manticore remains positive. Its strengths in speed, flexibility, and scalability continue to make it an excellent tool for our search needs. The challenges we've encountered serve as learning opportunities, highlighting areas for improvement and development within the Manticore ecosystem. On the other hand, Manticore has been developing extremely actively over the past few years, every major release there is a significant expansion of functionality, dozens of bugfixes appear. All this gives hope for further cooperation and reuse of expertise in other projects.


One of the most impressive aspects of Manticore that I appreciate is its ability to facilitate the creation of a highly efficient cluster on even modest hardware. This capacity to operate at the limits of the equipment's capabilities, without necessitating substantial investments in hardware, showcases Manticore's optimization and performance excellence. Reflecting on my overall journey with Manticore, my experience has been exceptionally positive. The efficiency and scalability it offers, especially considering the modest hardware requirements, have significantly exceeded my expectations. Its ability to deliver high performance under such conditions is a testament to the thoughtful engineering and robust design of the software. Given my overwhelmingly positive experience, I find myself recommending Manticore to all my friends and colleagues looking for a powerful, efficient search solution. Manticore stands out not just for its technical prowess but also for the value it brings to projects of all sizes, making it an essential tool in my technological arsenal. Rykov Pavel

Pavel Zloi
Pavel Zloi

Seasoned milord-level programmer: OpenSource, Linux, PHP, Python, Machine Learning, Go, Kubernetes, AWS.

Having previously used Sphinx, my transition to Manticore was an easy decision. The switch required minimal relearning, allowing me to quickly get my project up and running. This ease of adaptation was a significant factor in my choice, as it meant I could maintain momentum without getting bogged down in the intricacies of a new system. Reflecting on my overall experience with Manticore, I've been thoroughly impressed and plan to use it in future projects. The responsive and helpful community, particularly in the Telegram chat, is a highlight. It's reassuring to see the active development and prompt problem-solving within the Manticore project, which instills confidence in its longevity and reliability. In essence, Manticore has proven to be not just a powerful search engine but also a vibrant and supportive ecosystem. The smooth transition from Sphinx, combined with the ongoing support and development, makes Manticore an excellent choice for anyone looking to implement robust full-text search functionality in their projects. ictcorp

Andrew Babere
Andrew Babere

What I truly appreciate about Manticore is the ability to move away from Elasticsearch and Java within Docker. This shift has simplified my development environment, reducing the overhead and complexity typically associated with managing Java dependencies in Dockerized applications. My overall experience with Manticore can be summed up as "set it and forget it." This ease of use and reliability is a testament to Manticore's robustness and efficiency as a search engine. The transition has not only streamlined my workflows but also provided a stable, high-performance search solution with minimal maintenance required. Embracing Manticore has been a game-changer, allowing me to focus more on development and less on infrastructure management. Its seamless integration and outstanding performance have made it an invaluable part of my tech stack. Roman Zaykin

Roman Zaykin
Roman Zaykin

Discovering Manticore has been a game-changer for our team. Its simplicity and SQL interface immediately stood out, making it incredibly easy to integrate into our existing workflows. What impresses us further is Manticore's resemblance to Elasticsearch in functionality but with a user experience that's much more straightforward and efficient. The ease of use and exceptional performance of Manticore cannot be overstated. It has seamlessly handled all our search needs without the complexity or overhead often associated with other search engines. This combination of user-friendly design and robust performance is why I wholeheartedly rate Manticore a perfect 10 out of 10. To the Manticore team, keep up the fantastic work! Your efforts are not only recognized but greatly appreciated. It's clear that Manticore isn't just a product; it's a solution that understands and meets the real-world needs of developers and businesses alike. Elbek Kamol QuickManage Inc (quickmanage.com)

Elbek Kamoliddinov
Elbek Kamoliddinov

What I love about Manticore is its plug-and-play functionality. The real-time (RT) indexes are a game-changer for us. Yes, scripting is required to ingest even static content into RT indexes, but for a programmer, that's hardly an issue. The real advantage lies in the ability to create dynamic indexes for forms, blogs, or news, allowing for instant updates to the search index. Reflecting on my entire experience with Manticore, I'd rate it beyond 5 stars, especially due to the support provided via their Telegram channel. The responsiveness and relevance of the assistance I've received there deserve immense respect. Manticore has not only simplified the integration of search functionalities into various content types but has also enhanced the agility of our search capabilities. Its efficiency, coupled with outstanding community support, makes Manticore an invaluable tool in our development toolkit. George (GPV).


Manticore has enriched my projects with its advanced features like CALL SUGGEST and FACET, which have become indispensable in my work. These functionalities have allowed me to implement more sophisticated search capabilities and data analysis tools, enhancing the overall value of the projects I've undertaken. Reflecting on my journey with Manticore, my overall experience has been overwhelmingly positive. Having successfully implemented it in two major projects, I've grown accustomed to the power and flexibility it offers. Manticore has not just met my needs but has become a reliable foundation for my projects, enabling me to deliver exceptional results consistently. Alexey


What stands out to me about Manticore is its exceptional performance and the ease of configuration. These aspects make Manticore not just a tool but a solution that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of our search capabilities without complicating the setup process. Reflecting on my overall experience with Manticore, it has been exclusively positive. The combination of high-speed performance and straightforward configuration has significantly contributed to the success of our projects. Manticore's ability to deliver reliable and fast search results with minimal setup time is commendable and showcases the thoughtfulness put into its development. In conclusion, Manticore has exceeded my expectations, providing a robust and user-friendly search solution that stands out in the marketplace. Its impact on our operations has been profoundly positive, making it an indispensable part of our technological toolkit. Anton Misikhin, Developer, Tradesoft


Install Manticore Search

Install Manticore Search